Friday, December 12, 2014

And then there were five...

Hi everyone,
Thanks for checking in.
Well Friday is winding down and next week I'm sure will be a blur. First things first, we have had a busy week. Grade Two students are learning about holiday celebrations around the world - don't be surprised if you hear them humming "Driedel, driedel, driedel" tonight when they come home. We played a game that is commonly played at Hanukkah time.  Yesterday we learned about SinterKlaas and Zwarte Piet from the Netherlands. Next week we will explore traditions from Italy, England, Mexico and Australia. Grade Three students were comparing the life of a city mouse and a country mouse.

In Math, we started exploring measurement. Ask your child the difference between non-standard and standard measurements. We used a plastic stick to measure classroom items and then we used a paper metre stick (thank you IKEA) to measure the same things using centimetres. 

In literacy, we have been reading all about Scaredy Squirrel and how he prepares for Christmas. Being a scared squirrel who is afraid of germs and strangers really presents a problem at this holiday time!  The kids planned out a gingerbread house (just like Scaredy Squirrel, but his was "better than code") and designed all sides.  They then had to work with a partner to develop a procedure for building the gingerbread house. Some students were videoing and making movies of  their procedure and others were typing it.

Our Christmas Character day was very successful. Lots of elves, some Santas and a few toy helpers. Thank you for helping your child come up with a costume. I 'may' have been an elf myself!

Our play is on Tuesday, Dec.16 at 6:30pm and 11 am. Please send your child's costume with them on Monday if possible. If not, then please make sure it is here for our morning performance on Tuesday!  The kids have really worked hard (thanks for encouraging them at home) and it definitely shows. I am excited for them to 'break a leg' on Tuesday. We will do one final practise on Monday before taking the stage on Tuesday! 

Enjoy your weekend,
Ms. Rogers

Monday, December 8, 2014

Happy Monday!

Hi everyone,
Just a quick update- thanks to those of you who let me know you received my email last week. If you didn't get an email, please send me one at and I'll add you to the list!

I can't believe we have 9 days till Christmas break. Wow! Unbelievable how time flies.  These next two weeks are quite busy.  We have been practicing our lines for our play. The Holiday Moosical is on Tuesday, Dec. 16. There is a performance at 11 am, and an evening one at 6:30.  I know that there have been notes in the agenda about this performance for a couple weeks now, but a permission form came home today that needs to be returned in order for the kids to participate at the night show. Also on that note was some suggestions for costumes. Costumes just need to be simple. The class and I will try and create some of the extras that might be needed. I don't want you to have to go out and buy things for make your child's costume. Any questions or suggestions please email me.

Colour House Days- This Friday is "Christmas Character Day" Students may dress up as characters from books or movies, or really anything Christmas themed. For example they could be the Grinch, Cindy-Loo Who, etc. The next Friday is Red & Green Day.

Ms. Rogers

Monday, December 1, 2014

Art Updates...

I know many of you had the chance to see our Remembrance Day art- but I wanted to make sure that I posted it for those who didn't get a chance to see it. This class continues to amaze me with their artistic abilities and willingness to try new things.

Literacy- This week we are learning the basics of letter writing- just in time for Santa letters!  We are reading a story about a little boy who writes letters to his new teacher. We are focusing on learning the five parts: date, greeting, body, closing and signature. Our guided reading focus is word attack strategies and digging deeper into the text. In a world of texting, emailing and other quick ways of communicating, letter writing can be a lost art.  If you can include your child in writing a letter in the next few weeks that would be fanastic!

In math we are completing our patterning unit. We will be looking at number sense next.  We will be starting with number patterns and basic addition and subtraction. Please quiz your child on their basic addition and subtraction skills ( What's 6 + 7?)  and mental math by asking them questions.

Just to let you know as well, our holiday musical will be on Tuesday, Dec. 16th @ 6:30. There will be a day time performance as well.  We have been practicing our lines and song. Please encourage your child to practice at home as well. 

Happy Monday,
Ms. Rogers

A little art addiction...

Many of you had a chance to see our Remembrance Day Proud as Peacock bulletin board, but in the event that you didn't please take a look below. The class did an amazing job. What an artistic bunch of kids I have!

Catching snowflakes- Last Friday the class and I created these gems!  The students were asked to include a pattern on the sweater or scarf of their character. We looked at some examples and this is what they came up with. So impressed!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Snow or Rain- which would you rather?

Good morning,
I hope you all had a great weekend. My apologies for the lack of posts in the last couple of weeks.  I have figured out that not very many of you have been receiving the blog update via email, so I have been trying to sort that out. It may just come directly to your email in the near future.

Literacy- this week we are working on reading recipes as part of our unit on procedures. Today we looked at some videos of kids baking. We then wrote out the procedure for making 'Ants on a Log." We will continue to look at recipes and how they can be put in numbered steps or organized into first, then, next, etc. Last week we looked at the game checkers. We learned from our peers who had already played the game and now I think most of the class knows how to play.  It was interesting to hear all the different rules we had for what a King/Queen can do!

Numeracy - we are still working on patterning and identifying attributes. Help your child by asking questions about patterns around your house. What is the pattern core?  How many times does it repeat?  What attribute is changing? (colour, shape, texture, position, number)

Have a great day!
Ms. Rogers

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Learning about Kandinsky

sorry- this never got posted!
Just wanted to give you a chance to see what we have been up to in Art this week. We learned about Kandinsky and studied some of his abstract artworks. We created our own version using layered circles and bright/patterned paper. They look amazing! 

Remembrance Day

Today the students will take part in our Remembrance Day service at 10:30.  I hope you received the messages in the agenda about our service and the invite to join us if you wanted. We have been learning about Animals in War and the role they played. We have also read a couple of books based on Remembrance Day the last couple of weeks. Students created peacock watercolour paintings that went a long with a story we read called, "Proud as a Peacock, Brave as a Lion."
Today we honour those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, and we stand proud for military personnel who continue to represent Canada all over the world. Thank you for all that you have done all you continue to do.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Our First Colour House Day

Hi everyone,
I hope that your child let you know that tomorrow (Friday) is our first colour house day! Every student in our class has been assigned to a colour team (located on the colour house tab). I look forward to seeing all the blue, green, orange and red tomorrow morning.

Also, Monday is a PA Day for students. Classes will resume on Tuesday.

I will be sending home a sign up sheet for conferences. Some of you had a chance to sign up at Meet the Teacher earlier this month, but others still need to do so. Please pick a couple of times slots (15 mins) that work for you and return the sheet. I will fill these times on a first come first served basis.  If the original time you picked no longer works for you, please let me know.  The conference is a time to celebrate the success of your child, and he or she will be leading it and showing you various work we have been doing in class.

Wondering about Halloween?  We will be celebrating as a school on Friday, Oct. 31.  Students are invited to wear their costume if you (parents/guardians) agree.  Costumes need to be school appropriate ~ e.g.  not too scary, bloody, etc. They can also wear orange and black as an alternative. Please do not allow your child to bring any masks, props or any parts of their costume that are irreplaceable.  I realize that Halloween and the adventures of trick or treating also occur on that Friday night, so I will do my best to make sure all costumes return home in the same condition as they arrived. However, accidents do sometimes happen.  If you have any questions or concerns please email me, leave a note in the agenda, or call the school.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Rogers

Monday, October 20, 2014

Words of the Week

Happy Monday,
Hello everyone, I hope you had a great weekend. Mac and I went to the pumpkin patch yesterday- I am pretty sure it could have snowed and I wouldn't have been surprised. It was quite chilly.
You may have noticed words of the week in your child's agenda. These are not spelling words. We use these words in our word study program and they are usually linked to one of the curriculum areas that we are studying. This weeks words are: ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty and ninety.  I've noticed that in our math work these words are being misspelled regularly.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Happy Weekend!

HI everyone.
Happy Friday. This week has flown by!  The weather was quite agreeable and we only had one recess that ended up being an indoor one. That's pretty good considering that it seemed to rain a lot this week! I hope your child talked to you about his/her Stone Soup yesterday. Mrs. Scharnhorst helped the students make some yummy soup. Thank you for sending in items to help make the soup.  I was really surprised to see how much soup they ate. Some even came back for seconds.
We also had a healthy eating presentation for the Dairy Farmer's of Ontario. Charlotte spoke about the four food groups and food items that would fit in each. It was a very informative and interactive presentation. The students got to play games on the smartboard and help a fictional character plan a healthy meal.
Please check out the Math Page and the Colour Team Page, both have been updated.

Recently I have been asked by a few parents whether I am going to provide Raz Kids (online reading program) again this year. I am really on the fence about it- unfortunately the fee is not covered by the school and is quite high.  I offered it to my students last year, but I found that it wasn't used as well as I hoped. If you think that you would be on board with encouraging your child to read an online book nightly, please let me know via the agenda, or my email

Have a wonderful weekend,
Ms. Rogers

Thursday, October 9, 2014

We are going to need some detectives...

to find these turkeys!  Wow, what a great job everyone did today. Here are some of our creations!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Working with Words and Disguising Turkeys

Hey everyone,
Just a quick message-  you may have noticed that there were words in your child's agenda this week. They are NOT spelling homework words. Every week we have words we work with for our literacy centres. I asked the students to put them in their agendas as practice for printing and spelling. If you choose to have your child work with these words at home as extra work then that's okay too. Sometimes the words will be theme based (holidays, events at school, etc.) and other times they will be curriculum linked (math words, punctuation words, etc.).

Turkey Disguises- a note also came home in the agenda today about disguising a turkey. On Thursday students will be decorating a paper turkey to disguise it from Farmer Mack Nugget from the story written by Dav Pilkey, "'Twas the Night before Thanksgiving." Students had a chance today to brainstorm possible disguises.  Turkeys could be disguised as doctors, construction workers, other birds, animals, etc.  The whole reason for coming up with a disguise is to avoid getting caught (and eaten) at Thanksgiving!

Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Almost Turkey Time

One more week and then I am sure some of you will be enjoying a nice turkey dinner and spending quality time with family.

Just a reminder- tomorrow is PICTURE DAY. I believe they are using a green screen, so the photographer has asked that no one wears GREEN.

Thank you to everyone that came to Meet the Teacher. It was great to see so many of you there. The students seemed to enjoy showing you their desks and around the classroom. I'm really excited about working along side of you to make this a great year for your child.

I hope you have had a chance to explore our class blog- my goal is to update it weekly. I would like to post pictures of activities we are doing in the classroom, but I'm just figuring out whether I can make the site private.

Please check out the Math & Literacy Pages as well. They will give you an idea of what we are doing and how you can help your child at home!

Enjoy your week,
Ms. Rogers

Monday, September 29, 2014

In for a busy week!

Hello everyone,
This is going to be a busy week!  Today we had our Terry Fox kick off assembly. We are hoping that every student can donate a 'Toonie for Terry.' If we reach our goal of 518.00 some of our teachers will do a special presentation. Stay Tuned.  Our annual Terry Fox run will be held at the school on Friday, October 10. If you wish to fundraise more than a toonie, your child will have a pledge sheet sent home today.

Meet the Teacher is on Wednesday, Oct.1 from 5-7. I am looking forward to meeting those of you who are able to come. It will give you a chance to take a peek at your child's desk (I'm thinking I'll leave them in the state they are in!) and see what we have been up to. As well, there will be a Scholastic Book Fair happening in the library.

Scholastic Book Orders-  a few have been sent home today. If you are interested in purchasing books for your child please send in a cheque (made payable to Scholastic Canada) or the exact cash and change. If you see something that you would like to keep a surprise please contact me, or send it in a sealed envelope in the agenda.

Cheers to this summer weather,

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Welcome to our class!

HIp, HIp HOoray!
YOu have found us! This is very exciting. I hope you continue to follow us through out the year. I am trying to update this blog once a week with our class happenings.  I have found in the past that readership was very poor, and as a result I made limited attempts to update the blog.  Onwards and upwards this year I say! I know that most of us have access to the internet, so I am really hoping to make a go of this blog this year.
Please add your email address to the site, and then updates will be sent to you automatically.
I'm hoping for a great year with all of your kids!
Ms. Rogers