Tuesday, June 23, 2015

EEK! Two Days Left!!!

Hi everyone,
I can't believe that we are down to two.  Just two days left with this bunch. This year has been one of my favourites. I know as teachers, we aren't supposed to say that, but I have really enjoyed teaching this group. We have been able to do so many things because of their curiosity, kindness and willingness to listen and learn.  I have also learned a lot this year.  I've watched some of my repeat students grow so much and become leaders within our 2/3 class. Thanks to you all as parents/guardians for encouraging and being supportive of our learning mission this year.  I'm learning that being a parent of a school age child can be a balancing act- Kudos to you all! Thanks for joining our adventure this year. I have enjoyed getting to know all of you as well.

As our year winds down we will be cleaning out desks and sending items home. I'm going to try and spread it out from now till Thursday so that your child isn't trying to carry a backpack that feels like it has bricks in it.  Amazing how much stuff you can store in a desk over 10 months!

Lastly, I have accumulated an awful lot of pictures, videos and things from this year.  I'd really like to share it with you all. I have been thinking about how to do that in the best way possible.  I am aware of not wanting any of the kids pictures floating around the internet etc. but I have some great shots from this year.  If you are interested, please let me know and I will either give you a jump drive to download from or I can set up a dropbox account that gives you access to the photos. What do you think?

I also welcome any feedback you may have from this year.
We will be having a class party on Thursday.  If you are able to send in a treat (healthy or otherwise) it would be appreciated.  Just remember it needs to be nut free!
Thanks so much,

P.S. WE will be having a year end assembly on Thursday morning. It will be a long one- you are welcome to attend if you wish!

Friday, June 12, 2015

9 Days left? How can that be?

As the title of this post says, "9 Days Left!" This is crazy to me. It seems that this last half of the year has just flown by. The next two weeks are jam packed.  Today was supposed to be Jump Rope and Pan Am Games day but the rain has dampened the Pan Am part.  We are going into the gym to do our jumping after recess.

It is nice to see so many house colours today in our class. The next (and final) spirit dress up day is next Friday- Crazy Patterns Day.

In language we are working on writing our own version of "If I owned a Candy Factory" written by James Walker Stevenson and illustrated by James Stevenson.  Students have been creating their own two pages and we are going to combine them all into a class book.  We are still working on persuasive writing and reading texts that also present two sides of an argument or issue.  I can see how these kids could be quite convincing at home!

In math we are working on transformations (a really big word for movement). Students have worked with pattern blocks to create rotations (turns), translations (slides) and reflections (flips).  Everyone did really well with probability and the concepts seemed to be easy for the students to understand.

Thank you for helping your child to remember their homework. We usually have most of the blue folders return on Friday.

In Social Studies grade three students have been completing their Pioneer Village maps,  We had a fantastic trip to the museum where we learned about the First Nations and Pioneers.  I think that the school house was a fan favourite.  Thanks to Mandy for joining us. Grade twos are learning about holidays from different countries. They will be presenting the information that they find and details about the holiday like foods eaten, costumes worn, etc. Our Grade Two Elephant Thoughts presentation was amazing. Students got to see a snake, turtle and Bearded dragon.  We also worked with dry ice and other potions.  You likely also heard that we played small games of laser tag in the darkness of the gym.  An excellent day of learning and discovering!

With Mr. Powell in Science, students are finishing up units on plants and animals. They have really enjoyed learning with Mr. Powell on Day 4.

I look forward to the next nine days- I have really enjoyed this group of kids and we have done a lot of great things together this year. We will have a year end celebration on the final day. If you can send in a snack/treat that would be great.

Just to recap some events that will be happening:
* Bike Day, June 18 - students must have permission forms, bike and helmet to participate. A note came home about this, please let me know via agenda if you didn't get it.
* June 19- Crazy Pattern Day
*June 25 - Last Day of School (assembly in am. All invited)


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

News this week...

HI everyone!
Happy Tuesday!  Things have calmed a bit at school this last little bit. I hope you all enjoyed a long weekend with your family. The weather was amazing- I liked it a little more than this cold snap. Poof! Guess that was our summer?  JK (well at least, I hope to be kidding)

This week:
We are learning about persuasive writing. In order to establish connections and a better understanding we are reading mentor texts. We started off with a text titled, "Should Children Choose Their Own Bedtimes." We read through the text in small groups and then we chose a side to support. You may be surprised to know that the majority of the class thinks that you (the parents) should choose bedtimes!  When I have read this text before in other years this has NEVER been the outcome! Amazing! We have also listened to a few Robert Munsch stories on Tumblebooks last week to get the class thinking about how to be persuasive and convincing. This week we will be reading "Hey, Little Ant." Should the ant be squished?
Morning messages will continue to be posted. They likely won't make it on here every day as sometimes they are not finished in time for me to post them.
Fractional parts of a whole has been our focus in math. Students created fraction sundaes and pizzas last week. Today we talked about mixed fractions and used pattern blocks to show wholes and parts of a whole. If your child can assist you at home with making equal parts that would be great. Measuring part cups (2/3 of a cup etc.), teaspoons, cutting pizza into eighths, sixths and so on. I've been impressed with   their understanding of the concepts.
Friday is WILD WILD WEST.  There is an assembly at 9:10 (ish) in the morning to recognize students for this month's character trait- respect.  You may have heard your child talk about GOTCHAs. They were started this month. Students are being recognized for little things that they are caught doing. Helping a friend or teacher, cleaning up without being asked, keeping a tidy desk, having their agenda at school, homework done, etc. There is a box outside our classroom that houses the Gotchas.  Students earn points for their house when they receive a Gotcha.  Our class is adding up the Gotcha points alongside the House Colour/Spirit Day points.
David Suzuki's 30x30 Outdoor Challenge is on!  We have been pretty good at completing our 30 mins outside since starting a couple weeks ago.  I signed up for this on his website. The kids and I talked about how studies show that 'most' kids these days are spending less and less time outside than generations before.  Our time outside can be anything- an organized game, scavenger hunt, drawing nature, or just being in the lovely out of doors!  If we don't fit it in during the day, I challenge the class to try to do it at home.
Have a great week,

Monday, May 11, 2015

A 'Whole' Lot of Fun

HI everyone,
Happy Monday!  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekends and all mom's received their 'breakfast in bed' and had their stories read to them!  I know that not everyone has a Keurig but I hope you can make use of it or the tea somehow. Many of the kids reported that their gifts were well recieved- great news.
This week is a bit calmer than last week. It was great to see all of you who were able to make it out to the BBQ and Fun Fair. Mac (my son) liked seeing everyone and getting candy (Thanks Daisy!).

Please find attached a few morning messages from last week and this morning. I know there are some errors still, but everyone's improving on their editing and revising skills.

In math we have switched gears from money to fractions- our words of the week are math based. Fraction, half, whole, parts, equal, quarter and third.  Students worked with tissue paper today to create and label fractions as part of a group.  We talked about numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number) as well. In literacy, we continue to work with descriptive texts. We read Owl Moon last week and that led us into similes and comparative language.

Yearbook sales have been extended until Thursday. $17.00 per book.  Also book orders are due on Wednesday. Thanks!

Monday, May 4, 2015


Hi everyone,
Just a quick update to let you know the happenings of this week. It's a busy one!
Thursday is our school BBQ and Fun Fair at the school. It will run from 5-7p.m. Our intermediate students have been advertising their Fun Fair games over the announcements. There will be a BBQ and food/drink items for sale.  I hope the weather holds up and we are able to stay outside for this event. Hoping to see you on Thursday!

In other news:
In literacy we have been talking about the moon and its phases as part of learning about descriptive texts. We watched some very interesting videos about the moon.  The kids have been contributing their previous knowledge to a chart which we are adding to as we gain a better understanding about the characteristics of the moon.  In guided reading, students have been reading about texts that align with numeracy and social studies. Students have been working on writing our "morning message" in small groups for the last few weeks as one of their centres during literacy.  Starting today, these messages will be posted online on this blog.  Please comment on them if you are able and we can share the comments in class.
In math we have been working with money. Last week we designed our own menus and used calculators to add up the items after we had rounded and estimated the total cost. It would be great if you helped your child practise counting money and making change. Real life examples working with money are great for learning.
I will be back later to post the morning message created this morning!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Yikes! It has been awhile...

Hi parents/guardians and friends of our class,
As the class is practicing their poems this morning I had a chance to check in on the blog- eek!  Apparently I've been on a blog holiday. My apologies.
Thank you to all of you who have encouraged your child to do their homework. I know it isn't much but sitting down and making sure they complete it is important. Students are reading the poems with expression and fluency- so great to see!
In other news- we have been enjoying the weather. Yesterday we voted for gym inside or outside. I was happy that the vote swayed in favour of the outside. The climbers are open again and the sand is everywhere!  Yeah for spring!
In math we have finished up our unit on making equal groups and dividing. We are into equality of expressions now. We have been making math sentences balance on both sides.
For example: 9 + 8 = ______ + 4. We have been working with pattern blocks as well to show equality and congruency.
In language students have been writing morning messages as a group. We dissected one groups' message and talked about properly using capitals, punctuation and making sure our sentences made sense.  The class has greatly improved and the messages have become more detailed and interesting for the audience. Way to go class!
In Social Studies, the grade twos have been looking at different homes around the world and how they are affected by climate. We also just started coming up with major life events (learning to ride bikes, first tooth, learning to walk, etc). Grade 3 students are learning about Pioneer Life and the influences of Native Canadians.
In Science, Mr. Powell has been guiding the class in their discovery of Air & Water (gr.2) or Forces (gr.3).
We continue to work on fair play, good sportsmanship and team skills in gym. This week we played a full class game of stones outside. I think it was enjoyed by all- and boy, did I have a sweaty group of kids!
The grade three students had a blast going on the bus to Wasaga Beach YMCA for their swim to survive lessons. I was really proud of their efforts in the water as some of them were very hesitant to participate at first.

In other news:
This month we have been working on the character trait of Optimism.
Yearbooks are available to be pre-ordered for $17. Order forms went home early this week and yearbooks can be purchased until May 11.
Friday, April 24 is ROCK STAR/CELEBRITY day. Students are invited to dress up and support their house colour team!
Happy weekend!
P.S. Here are some pictures of Crazy Sock Day, our game of Stones and a poem written and presented by Julian!  Way to go !
This game would be the reason that your child may have had sandy socks. Even with shoes on, that pesky sand gets everywhere!
So many wonderful socks!

Julian wrote this poem and read it to the class. Love the pictures! Well done buddy!

Monday, March 23, 2015


Today we made shelters for our Costa Rican shells.  Noah came up with the term "shellter."  We were asked to make a shelter using up to 16 base ten blocks with a partner.  We counted by ones, tens and hundreds to come up with our "shell-ter" address.  Please take a look at the shelters we created below.  Each student created their own and should be bringing a shell home tonight!

Thank you to who ever nominated me for a 'Star' award with the SCDSB. It was a very nice surprise!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Happy March Break

Just a quick message to say Happy March Break!  I hope you all enjoy the time off with your families.
Cheers to warm sun and the disappearance of the snow!

Sunday, March 8, 2015


This week is going to be warmer....right? I'm hoping that the brunt of winter is behind us and we can look forward to warmer, spring like temperatures.  A girl can hope anyways!
March Break is almost upon us... but this will prove to be another busy week.  Just to re-cap some of our school events before the week blurs into Friday.

Grade 3 students go to their first 'Swim to Survive' lesson on Thursday. Parents- this is a free program provided to all grade three students across Simcoe County.  It is aimed at all abilities and NO previous swimming background is necessary.  I sent a permission form home early last week- did you get it? It needs to be returned by Wednesday.  We will leave around noon and be back in time for dismissal. Students will need to bring their bathing suit and towel in a plastic bag on swimming days.  We will be sure to include a note in the agenda the night before to remind you. Any questions or concerns please contact me at the school, or via email.

Friday is PJ Day.

Math- we are wrapping up our 2D & 3D geometry units. We will move into Number Sense. More details to follow, but if you are looking for something to have your child practise over the break- Mental Math (quick adding and subtracting) and double digit adding and subtracting with and without regrouping is always a good place to start!

Language- look for our dinosaur reports to come home. I also have been collecting and making videos using the green screen with the class. I'm hoping that in May we can arrange a time for parents/guardians/grandparents to come in and view all these videos! Students are working on creating a Mixed Beast as another written project that allows them to to go through the writing process.

Enjoy the week!

Monday, February 23, 2015

I like winter, but this is getting a bit harsh...

Hello...Brrrr...this is starting to become too common. I know we live in Canada, but I can't remember a year that we have had soooo many indoor recesses. Poor kids (poor teachers :)). We are all surviving though...and it can and must eventually get warmer, right?

I hope that you had a chance to take a look at your child's report card. I've been impressed with this class. We continue to work on giving our best at all times, becoming more independent and staying focused. But, for the most part we are en route to achieving our best and it seems as though everyone is happy to be at school. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Our words of the week are contractions this week. Students will be working with their words in small literacy groups. We have also been using the tool "Power Paragraphs" to organize our ideas into detailed paragraphs.  Today we read a book that informed us about animal habits and comparisons to humans. Students were asked to take information from the book and practise writing their response in Power Paragraph form.

In Math we are working with 2D and 3D shapes. Students worked on designing a floor tile using triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons and hexagons. They were to colour in their design using a chromatic colour scheme.

Zumba finishes up this Friday- we have had a great time groovin' with Louise. She really is a fantastic and engaging instructor.

Thursday is Crazy Sock Day for House Points. Our class has taken on the responsibility of calculating and counting all the points from the classes. Its a great leadership opportunity for the kids and it is a great numeracy task. On Thursday we will also have a Character Assembly in the morning.

Ms. Rogers

Thursday, February 19, 2015

100th Day Celebrations

I'm sorry it took me a bit to post these gems.  Students created pictures on Feb.6th using the number 100.  Again, their creativity is awesome!  It was a fun day and I have to say that the costumes and 100 year old get ups were hilarious. Thanks for helping your child out with their 100 year old self!  I won't post their pics but here's one of  the 100 year old teacher.
Photo courtesy of Ashley P.