Friday, April 17, 2015

Yikes! It has been awhile...

Hi parents/guardians and friends of our class,
As the class is practicing their poems this morning I had a chance to check in on the blog- eek!  Apparently I've been on a blog holiday. My apologies.
Thank you to all of you who have encouraged your child to do their homework. I know it isn't much but sitting down and making sure they complete it is important. Students are reading the poems with expression and fluency- so great to see!
In other news- we have been enjoying the weather. Yesterday we voted for gym inside or outside. I was happy that the vote swayed in favour of the outside. The climbers are open again and the sand is everywhere!  Yeah for spring!
In math we have finished up our unit on making equal groups and dividing. We are into equality of expressions now. We have been making math sentences balance on both sides.
For example: 9 + 8 = ______ + 4. We have been working with pattern blocks as well to show equality and congruency.
In language students have been writing morning messages as a group. We dissected one groups' message and talked about properly using capitals, punctuation and making sure our sentences made sense.  The class has greatly improved and the messages have become more detailed and interesting for the audience. Way to go class!
In Social Studies, the grade twos have been looking at different homes around the world and how they are affected by climate. We also just started coming up with major life events (learning to ride bikes, first tooth, learning to walk, etc). Grade 3 students are learning about Pioneer Life and the influences of Native Canadians.
In Science, Mr. Powell has been guiding the class in their discovery of Air & Water (gr.2) or Forces (gr.3).
We continue to work on fair play, good sportsmanship and team skills in gym. This week we played a full class game of stones outside. I think it was enjoyed by all- and boy, did I have a sweaty group of kids!
The grade three students had a blast going on the bus to Wasaga Beach YMCA for their swim to survive lessons. I was really proud of their efforts in the water as some of them were very hesitant to participate at first.

In other news:
This month we have been working on the character trait of Optimism.
Yearbooks are available to be pre-ordered for $17. Order forms went home early this week and yearbooks can be purchased until May 11.
Friday, April 24 is ROCK STAR/CELEBRITY day. Students are invited to dress up and support their house colour team!
Happy weekend!
P.S. Here are some pictures of Crazy Sock Day, our game of Stones and a poem written and presented by Julian!  Way to go !
This game would be the reason that your child may have had sandy socks. Even with shoes on, that pesky sand gets everywhere!
So many wonderful socks!

Julian wrote this poem and read it to the class. Love the pictures! Well done buddy!

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