Friday, June 12, 2015

9 Days left? How can that be?

As the title of this post says, "9 Days Left!" This is crazy to me. It seems that this last half of the year has just flown by. The next two weeks are jam packed.  Today was supposed to be Jump Rope and Pan Am Games day but the rain has dampened the Pan Am part.  We are going into the gym to do our jumping after recess.

It is nice to see so many house colours today in our class. The next (and final) spirit dress up day is next Friday- Crazy Patterns Day.

In language we are working on writing our own version of "If I owned a Candy Factory" written by James Walker Stevenson and illustrated by James Stevenson.  Students have been creating their own two pages and we are going to combine them all into a class book.  We are still working on persuasive writing and reading texts that also present two sides of an argument or issue.  I can see how these kids could be quite convincing at home!

In math we are working on transformations (a really big word for movement). Students have worked with pattern blocks to create rotations (turns), translations (slides) and reflections (flips).  Everyone did really well with probability and the concepts seemed to be easy for the students to understand.

Thank you for helping your child to remember their homework. We usually have most of the blue folders return on Friday.

In Social Studies grade three students have been completing their Pioneer Village maps,  We had a fantastic trip to the museum where we learned about the First Nations and Pioneers.  I think that the school house was a fan favourite.  Thanks to Mandy for joining us. Grade twos are learning about holidays from different countries. They will be presenting the information that they find and details about the holiday like foods eaten, costumes worn, etc. Our Grade Two Elephant Thoughts presentation was amazing. Students got to see a snake, turtle and Bearded dragon.  We also worked with dry ice and other potions.  You likely also heard that we played small games of laser tag in the darkness of the gym.  An excellent day of learning and discovering!

With Mr. Powell in Science, students are finishing up units on plants and animals. They have really enjoyed learning with Mr. Powell on Day 4.

I look forward to the next nine days- I have really enjoyed this group of kids and we have done a lot of great things together this year. We will have a year end celebration on the final day. If you can send in a snack/treat that would be great.

Just to recap some events that will be happening:
* Bike Day, June 18 - students must have permission forms, bike and helmet to participate. A note came home about this, please let me know via agenda if you didn't get it.
* June 19- Crazy Pattern Day
*June 25 - Last Day of School (assembly in am. All invited)


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